Sunday, March 4, 2018

VOTE for LGBT in 2020

In 2020 I expect to get in a driverless car, have a drone deliver a package, and be subjected to robotic healthcare in some form.  I propose we elect our first Digital official in the 2020 Election cycle. #LGBT2020

2018 - Politics are a mess!  We should put some sanity and logic in the system at the local level, starting with the rural community, or voting district.  Like most reasonable proposals, the 80/20 rule applies, leaving the majority 80% portion to the “human” part of the government.

LGBT’s Platform is designed around a small regionally connected group of people with common interests, a community, a township, or voting district!

Our New Candidate for 2020 - Local Group Blockchain Township.  LGBT is a hybrid technology, A Starnesian concept, that combines blockchain architecture with a Sim City type interface and a Facebook-style social networking platform.  This new candidate will not only drive community interaction but will also replace most of the day to day work of local government, with 100% transparency!

The LGBT platform addresses historically challenging political issues.  
This statement from the 1956 Democratic platform rings true today, in 2018.

“ … the people of the United States have come to realize, with tragic consequences, that our National Government cannot be trusted to the hands of political amateurs, dominated by representatives of special privilege.”  and  “ … They have found that they are now ruled by a Government which they did not elect, and to which they have not given their consent.”

Local Group Blockchain Township will provide 100% transparency.  Financial matters, plans for changes in the community, discussions surrounding all topics and future plans.  All the information about day to day activities will be available for members of the district.  

Town Hall meetings are currently held regularly in small communities with the expressed goal of sharing information about changes within the community such as zoning implications or changes.  The placement and availability to Healthcare and educational resources might also be discussed in such a meeting. The planned location of resources, such as waste disposal and industrial areas, placement of roads, zoning changes, and long-term planning - all of the workings of local government.  Getting the information about what is next for the community is often hard to obtain.  Deals made behind closed doors within a very small group of players, the norm for all levels of government, not just local government. LGBT changes the game, literally.

Play any version of the game “SimCity” and you will have at least a rudimentary understanding of how difficult and dynamic a problem is presented by growing and maintaining a voting district-sized enterprise.  Taking into account the required amount resources to be applied to infrastructure while also considering residential and commercial development, asset valuation, Taxation and primary systems maintenance has previously required a bunch of people and accountants.  Build in the secondary resources for the growing community such as health care, law enforcement, and emergency services infrastructure and the tasks list start getting daunting.  Not with LGBT

BlockChain technology allows for a gamified version of infrastructure management and planning empowered by a social networking layer anyone can use.  Add in the taxation and payment portion of the SimCity gamified community and all county/city/government related transactions may be made on a private and secure 1:1 basis.  No more offices for almost ALL city/county licensing and approval procedures, all maintained privately and securely (but transparently), across a cell phone - laptop - or PC.

How do we play?        1st step #VOTELGBT2020

Assuming everyone in the community; paying property taxes, holding a business license, or is part of the voting jurisdiction gets a login to an invite-only Facebook group.  All the benefits of a group only sharing environment apply to solving the current bottlenecks in local government.

In addition to access to the voting district facebook group, taxpaying citizens will also get to play an MMO version of SimCity, with real-time information.  Each “turn” in the SimCity game will allow for user-generated feedback (voting) on proposed changes in district infrastructure.  Tax paying members of the community will also be able to “play out” the different scenarios of the “game”, which is actually the community growth model.  The modeling gameplay will allow for a homeowner or business to reasonably forecast the outcome of their voting decision, an amazing innovation! The amount of feedback about social changes and infrastructure planning within the community will change drastically.

“Social networks were not around when our basic governmental framework was designed and implemented.” This sounds like a true statement, but it is not. The original social network is represented in a small farming Community or a Township or a voting district. As we come full circle in applying “Old School” solutions to new world problems the solution becomes obvious vote for a computer to run the County.  

The social benefits to be gained by LGBT are hopeful. In the original Social Network, the small township or farming community, crime was nonexistent.  People did not even lock their doors.  When you heard the front door you lunged for a cup of coffee for a neighbor, not a 9MM with a digital view of your front stoop.  In the “old school” rural community everyone was watching each other's stuff the way neighbors do (or did).  LGBT provides for the real-time community oversight through the exclusive social networked group, the community. Video and update sharing, bringing bacl community self-policing, good neighbor style, to Blockchain enabled districts.

A bunch of people will not like the LGBT candidate.  A system managed by the voting district with a commonly “voted” leader, acting as an appointed system admin, replaces at least 80% of the administrative functions provided by the current district administration.  LGBT also provides 100% transparency on all workings of the district government, every dollar spent, every meeting note, every resolution, all of it, available, anytime.  

No other candidate can make such a claim!

#VOTELBGT2020    #LGBT2020